Archive For

January 2020

Amazon & Uber – Cylinders and pockets.

Amazon Q4 19 – Almost all cylinders Amazon reported excellent results that completely overshadowed the hundreds of millions that Amazon is burning to win India...

Facebook & Tesla Q4 19 – Mixed bag.

Tesla Q4 19 – Own two feet Tesla’s results have already divided opinion, but while the valuation remains unjustifiable, I think my very long-term view...

Apple FQ1 20 – Big battery.

Battery life drives the earnings iPhone had a very good bounce off the lows of FQ1 19 driven by a recovery in China but a...

Scooters & bikes – Consolidation phase.

The bloodbath is not over. The bloodbath that is the micro-mobility market still has a long way to go before anyone has a hope of...

Google vs. Amazon – End game.

Assistants are too stupid for mass adoption. While growth in the digital assistant space is slowing, the battle looks like it is almost over although...

Facebook Libra – Well populated graveyard.

Only users can save Libra. The loss of Vodafone is another nail in the coffin of Facebook’s digital currency Libra meaning that the only thing...

GM Cruise – Form over substance.

A vehicle with no launch date. GM Cruise has launched its first autonomous vehicle which has no launch date and about which I think questionable...

China Ecosystems – Phase II.

Tencent has a real problem on its hands. The market for Digital Life services has clearly switched from one of growth to one of competition...

Apple – Edge issues will not fix the fragmentation issue. Apple’s acquisition of increases my concerns with regards to Apple’s approach to AI and may make it...

WhatsApp – Money money money.

Advertising is not the way to monetise Instant Messaging. Facebook has abandoned its plans to monetise WhatsApp through advertising which if its peers are anything...